My Favorite Exercise Videos

If you’re like me, you enjoy exercise in the comfort of your own home. I began doing Yoga with Adriene on YouTube prior to Covid, and expanded my playlist during the pandemic to include Essentrics, Qi Gong, Yoqi, Rebounding and, yes, Richard Simmons. What can I say, variety is the spice of life. I consistently recommend these videos to my clients and hope you enjoy them, too!

Here are some of my favorites – all of these are standing routines, but you will find a variety of options on from each teacher on their YouTube channel.

Essentrics was developed by Miranda Esmonde-White and is unique because it’s focused on stretching the body’s fascia. What’s fascia? It’s connective tissue that covers every cell, every muscle and organ, and also covers the entire body in large sheets. Pretty amazing, right? Miranda has developed a wonderful 30 minute standing routine to stretch your fascia. Go easy with this one as you get the hang of it, but don’t give up, there are some movements that require you pay special attention to the alignment of your body. This video helped me heal when I broke my lower leg – it was a real lifesaver, and now I do it regularly because it makes me feel great. You can learn more about Miranda

The first time I tried Qi Gong, I could feel the positive effects immediately. California native Lee Holden was the first teacher I found on YouTube and I like his simple, yet effective, routines. Lee has two 20 minute morning and evening standing routines that I heavily rely on. If you would like to relieve stress in your neck and spine, these with be perfect for you. You can also visit Lee’s website

I also really love to follow Marisa Cranfill, who calls her practice Yoqi. These Qi Gong routines are also done standing, for those of us who want to stay off of our knees.  I enjoy this 20 minute Yoqi purge and tonify video and find purging helps to free my body of stress and follow it with the 15 minute QiGong Flow to get the energy moving through my system. You can also visit Marisa’s website

Rebounding is my solution to cardio, but it’s also great for activating your lymphatic system. (A rebounder is basically a mini trampoline that takes up less space than a stationary bike and is way easier on your joints. I highly recommend JumpSport from Amazon. My fave videos are from Fayth Caruso in an art gallery in Chicago, (why not?), and cardio and strength. Sometimes, I’ll jump while listening to my favorite podcast or audiobook.

Our next guest needs no introduction. When I’m feeling like a lazy lump and need a little dose of goofiness, I turn to Richard Simmons. If you’re thinking this 80’s jazzercise won’t make you sweat, think again. The best on YouTube are the 1 hour Sweatin’ to the Oldies and the 25 minute sock hop dance party.

Hopefully, you’ll find some inspiration here to move your body. When all else fails, turn up your favorite song and have a private dance party in your living room, that’s what I do.


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